How to Write a Killer Headline - Part 2

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How to Write a Killer Headline - Part 2

Uѕе Specific Numbers

Using very specific numbers is a classic way to grab people's attention. It promotes sincerity and makes your headline appear much more believable.

A very famous example of this was during the 1990’s for Whiskers cat food in the UK. The slogan became so famous that it’s now been adapted into the name of the TV show ‘8 out of 10 cats’.

Another really interesting play on the use of numbers was for an advert promoting a Malayala Newspaper. The headline was alongside a picture of the Eiffel Tower. It stated that they sold a record breaking 1 million
copies daily, and stacked up on top of each other that would be 10 times as high as the Eiffel Tower.

That’s a really powerful image which communicates that the newspaper
is obviously very popular. This encourages the reader to ask themselves
why so many people already buy it. Then subconsciously conclude that
if so many other people like it, they probably will too.

Using Testimonials

A genuine testimonial headline can have a fantastic impact on sales. It
really speaks directly to the reader and it tells them that your product
has worked for somebody else just like them.

It’s also a really easy and powerful way to make yourself look good
without ‘blowing your own trumpet’. Everybody will be more impressed if
somebody other than you is saying that you’re great.

A clever twist on the testimonial headline is to use a quote about your
business, such as, “Providing quality hand built furniture since 1875.”

Speak directly to your target market

A great way to let people know that they are in the right place is to begin
your headline with an attention grabber that targets your specific market.

This can be as simple as saying ‘Moms Look!’ or ‘Only for people that
are serious about starting a business from home.’

By doing this you can instantly communicate to your reader that the
content of your page is relevant to them and you are not going to be
wasting their time.

Practise is key

Thе way tо get really good іѕ tо write LOTS of headlines. Thе sooner
уоu get thаt done, thе sooner уоu’ll become great аt writing headlines.
Whenever I am writing a headline I write out at least 50 before I even
consider a winner. I don’t hold back at all, some of them are ridiculous
but they open up my mind to think in new ways. Usually, by the time I
get to about headline number 30 I hit on a killer that ends up being my
winning choice. But without first exploring other possibilities I’d never get
there. It’s very rare that your first headline is the best one… or even the
first 10 or 20!

Just grab a pen and write… don’t worry about how bad they are just
write. Your creative juices will soon begin flowing. And if you get stuck,
then just look at other peoples headlines and ask yourself how you can
adapt them to suit your business. Most headlines can be tweaked to suit
any product so it’s very easy to look at what is already working and copy
that. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

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